Bridges and tunnels are our

We are highly detail-oriented
in every project
we undertake

We focus on safety, conserving the environment, ease of use, and feasibility

Haiba junction bridge
Main road nr 4 (E67) Tallinn-Pärnu-Ikla km 37– 42 detail design of Kernu bybass. Haiba junction bridge


Model based design of bridges and tunnels

We create comparisons of alternatives for bridges and tunnels, preliminary design, detailed design and construction design of bridges and tunnels by using model design.

Project management of bridge and tunnel projects

Comprehensive specialised knowledge is the basis of successful project management. We are involved with bridge and tunnel projects at all stages of the design.

Expertise of bridge and tunnel projects

Expertise is more than just getting to know the project. The projects undergo a thorough examination during the course of the specialised work.

Inspection of bridges and tunnels

In order for bridges and tunnels to last for generations, they must be regularly maintained. It is possible to plan proper maintenance by understanding the condition of the structure. During the inspection, the defects in the structure are mapped and recommendations for further work are provided.



We help to solve issues related to engineering of bridges and tunnels.

The composing of technical specifications for road works

We are composing technical specifications for road works.

Training and research

Sharing the knowledge and conducting research will enhance the quality of bridge and tunnel projects. We train engineers and conduct research.

Development of design software

The need for good designing tools has led us to develop software. The tools we created have helped us to complete numerous projects. We develop programs that solve complex tasks.

Puiatu ecoduct
Detail design of E263 Tallinn-Tartu-Võru-Luhamaa road Võõbu-Mäo section km 68,0-85,0. Puiatu ecoduct